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Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2010

Bermain deret

Hmmm saya akan membuat beberapa deret, yang sepertinya lumayan lah.... silakan pecahkan ya.... 3, 2, 13, 3, ... 4, 6, 10, 14, 22, ... 1, 2, 2, 4, 2, ... 4, 5, 10, 35, ... 1, 1, 2, 6, 24, ... sekian dari saya... :p for clue tiap nomernya. perhatikan kesamaan sifat pada deret bilangan ini, ada deret aritmatika sederhana yang tersembunyi. hanya berdasarkan kesamaan sifat pada deret bilangan sebelumnya. sama.... memiliki sifat yang sama dengan deret bilangan sebelumnya berpikirlah kreatif, memanipulasi rumus deret. Jika kalian sangat jeli, ini sangat mudah.


Imaginary When I was child I had Imaginary friends They'd come to me When I was alone in a rainy day, in the boring trip where nobody assisted me I didn't knew who they were their looks their appearance Are they real? No, then, they disappear from my life Is this the end  of Imaginary? No, One day, I lost my Imaginary friends but all of sudden I went to the Imaginary world home of fantasy home of the dream world I forget my real world sometimes I'm there when lonely When do nothing in my little house I didn't knew when it was started I just feel, I see my Imaginary world a story a fairy tale Is this real? Nay! This is still in my life Will I leave this place? Don't think no, don't think yes Maybe, I'll write my Imaginary World stories inside them so, everybody can see the world that I see Just wish and hope Just wait and see.... by: Khyr Alnwy