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In the Clown Body

On a small town, a circus parade has announced there. There’s many attraction that will take off your eyes out. The most influential is the two-clown, exactly two clowns. There’s acrobatic very tall clown and flexible very short clown. They are so famous and have many fans.
In the town, there are two youngsters that they are the biggest fans of the two-clown. They are prankster persons and they act like clown, what a big fan! One day, they go to the tents of circus. They go unnoticed to the tents of two-clown, they want look the two-clown from near and if they can, they will take an autograph and some pictures. When they peek in the tent, they look the reality. The very tall clown is really tall and the very short clown is really short too. There is their real name too on the costumes.

The two-clown took off their masks and costumes and go to the restroom. The youngsters are very curious and they decided to go closer to the two-clown costumes and masks. The one of them try wearing the tall clown’s mask, one of them try wearing the short clown masker. Then, they are playing joke and some simple acrobat. Suddenly, the circus crews call the two-clown to play an act tonight they are going into the two-clown tent and ask the two youngsters. The youngsters confused and have no any idea, they tell the truth about what was happen. But the crew think they youngster was joking and still ask them to play an act. They want to show the owner of the masks and costumes but they were gone. They name of the two-clown was disappeared too. They try to take off the mask but they can’t. They can’t do anything and they can’t refuse the circus master ask. At the night, they play the show, at first they look clumsy but later they expertly play an act at the show. The title for the very tall clown was changed to the very long arm clown, due to the tall of the youngster. But the arm wasn’t really long.
Next day, they go to their home and still wearing mask and costume. When they arrived to their house, they found that they were replaced by someone. They are confused because their family didn’t know who they are. Then, the long arm clown goes and looking for his girlfriend. But suddenly he looks that his girlfriend was with someone, and guy is the guy that replaced him in his family. The long arm clown was very angry because his life was stolen by someone. When the short clown sees the long arm fighting, he tries to stop them. They go back the circus tent. They are very confused and feeling weird. When they took off their costumes, they shocked by their body’s condition. Their body is white and not like a human. The long arm clown’s becomes really long. They are trapped in the clown’s bodies.


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Hohuhahelulalueohuhuhihihamananarasaya! Ehm... maaf pembukaannya jelek, saya perbaiki ya. Assalamua'alaikum warahmatullahi wabaraktuh! Ienak-ienak, besok pagi kita kedatangan murid baru! Jadi...  maaf Intermezzo gak penting. Langsung ke inti permasalahan dunia maya yang sang bang mang. Artikel ini akan membahas cara membuka blog. Pentingkah? Penting jika dirasa penting, dan saya juga mempertimbangkan hal yang tak terduga yang saya temukan tentang blog saya. Hal ini disebabkan nama blog saya. , blog aneh ini sudah ada sejak tahun 2008, jika dihitung dari post pertamanya. Namun sesungguhnya blog ini sudah ada satu tahun lebih awal, sekitar akhir tahun 2007. Karena kontennya cuma kopas dan digunakan untuk tugas sekolah, post blog tahun 2007 tersebut saya musnahkan! subdomain blog ini pun dulunya bukan di-buka. Saya sendiri juga sudah lupa apa namanya. :p. Sepertinya isi post ini belum membahas sesuai judulnya ya? Geho! Dengarkan dulu k...

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