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Let me share a story
A story of boy in his perplexed world

He is known as chatty person but he is also known as silent
He is known as somewhat generous but he is also known as rather stingy
He is known as kind person but he is also known as ill-mannered
He is known as honest person but he is also known as storyteller

Who've known him?

Start from one of the grand key of his life. When he was in elmentary school. He is rather silent in the class and didn't had a good friendship with his classmates. It was getting worse, when he was 4th grader. He started to hate the school. He didn't went to school for many days. His reason is unclear, he's won't face his classmates when they visited him. Later, he moved to another school. It was hard day, because he wasn't eager to go to school. He acted frantically when he was brought to the school. He moved to one school to another school, just for a try. And then he stayed in one simple school. It was not the school what he wanted, and he didn't want to school though. But he couldn't refuse it.

In his new school, he was still silent. And he had a principle, "You think me is friend, but me think you are not friend". The beginning months of his new school is harsh. He acted like a kindergarten kid. Making his mom waiting him in out of class. And making a nuisance in the class with screeching the table. If you see him at that time, you'd think that he was psycho, crazy, autism boy. One semester passed, and he started to adapt the condition in the class. Honestly, his old school was much more better than his new school. The student there were kids that we can't say that they were kids. They're teenager. Kids there was knowing too much about adults thing. To be informed that there was a kid that was 15 years old and 13 years old.

In that school, he was categorized as "crazy idiot" and "rather genius" boy. Looking back at the fist time he entered the school. And later when was granted rank #3, isn't it awesome? Weird? astonishing?

To be continued...
if I remember
P.S. I'm sorry if my english is bad.


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